My Healing Guide
This is a podcast that is focused on connecting you with & to your Self. From how to embrace being "seen" and fully you to taking a leap of faith to follow your heart...this is simply a reflected experience of what is already within you. Ready to take charge. Through conversations, meditative experiences, and solo talks you are led to Connect with your Self.
59 episodes
Saving Your Life. Literally.
In your darkest moments, what saves your life from being taken by your own self? Su*cide is a topic that has a lot of shame around and therefore is naturally uncomfortable for many to speak about. Today's episode is abou...
Season 6
Episode 6

The Trauma Doesn't Matter, It's The Aftermath.
Oftetimes, we fail to REALLLLLYYY look at all the ways trauma has affected us via actions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. because we're still hurting from & focusing so heavily on the event of trauma itself (rightfully so). How do you get ...
Season 6
Episode 5

MAJOR To Look For This When Hiring A Coach
THIS IS ESSENTIAL when hiring any coach or person to guide you in your life. The power of a non-judgemental space, compassionate energy, and push/accountability goes a very long way. Reflection Question (message me your answer if yo...
Season 6
Episode 4

Presence and Vision.
It's very easy to think of one or the other, but together, they make a formula of true direction with a graceful power. Quick episode for today!! ENJOY!! Let me know how this resonates for you!!IG
Season 6
Episode 3

The Phoenix In You.
The Phoenix symbolizes what for you? Why? What parts of you that you wold consider "old parts" would be in your ashes, just waiting to be born as part of the newfound bird you're yet to fully unleash into...This episode reflects...
Season 6
Episode 2

Receiving Love in the Love Language You Don't Have
Ever felt like people just don't get you or see you? No one really can LOVE you the way you want. And!! To top it all, when you tell them how you want to be loved, they think you're getting an attitude and saying they essentially suck & are...
Season 6
Episode 1

Ignore Your Intuition or Let Go...
As much as it is challenging to admit when you are not listening to your intuition, getting to the place of being aware that your intuition has nudged you about a person, behavior, or opportunity is a great step towards following on a path of a...
Season 5
Episode 11

How to Let People & Things Leave with Ease. | Dove Takes Flight Short Ep.
When we place our vision and values onto a person or opportunity, once it attempts to leave or does leave us, we become threatened & afraid. All of the low vibes of sadness, shame, abandonment come up. Yet, when we hold our vis...
Season 5
Episode 10

Slow DOWN to Show UP in Conversations | Dove Takes Flight 5 Min Ep.
When it comes to implementing what you've learned about boundaries, expressing yourself authentically & honestly, or being vulnerable in REAL TIME-- you may notice yourself having a tough time actually stopping that automatic response to NO...
Season 5
Episode 9

Waiting Seasons. | Dove Takes Flight: Short Episode
When you're waiting...think of it like you're in the waiting room of you dentist. Instead of only dreading what could be next, start entertaining yourself, make new friends who are also waiting or nearby, possibly even just left the dentist and...
Season 5
Episode 8

You're Not Lost, You're Just Not Patient. | Dove Takes Flight 10 Min. Ep.
When you're on a path that you know in your heart is for you, yet the results aren't showing up-it gets VERY easy to think you should change your gameplan, panic, think you're attracting stagnancy in, etc. Your mind overthinks and tries to proj...
Season 5
Episode 7

Breadwinner. | Issues & Imbalances
Let's start this off bluntly. The money isn't the issue. Controversial because of the title, maybe. But, it's the truth. The foundation and contents of your relationship are the issue. The dynamic, the back story is what is coming in ho...
Season 5
Episode 6

Dove Takes Flight 10 min. Ep: Gratitude Opens the Gates of Bliss.
Gratitude, more specifically Ullasa, seeing the beauty in the people, things around you--is the focus for today. It can shift any perspective even in the hardest of moments. Try it out!Enjoy!!

Dove Takes Flight; 10 Min. Ep. | Why Are You Always Getting These Results In Your Life? Or the lack of
Trying out a new segment that is bound to stay called, "Dove Takes Flight"! They're my walking podcast episodes where I'm chit chatting with you on my walks for some quick & direct goodness. Play these on your walks too!! The wisdom is what...
Season 5
Episode 4

The Mask You Hide With: Painfully Perfect | Superior & Perfect
We saved "The Best" for last--get it? LOL!!To be seen as inferior and HUMAN is subpar and detrimental to you. Your mind says “Thats so crazy, I know I make mistakes.” 🙄But your energy and subconscious are like “Nope. I can only be...
Season 5
Episode 3

The Mask You Hide With: "I'm Just Like You"
People Pleasers!!! This one is for you! “I’m Just Like You”😄: You are a major people pleaser. Double edged-sword. You can create relationships with anyone, but who do you REALLY like? Who really knows You?Speaking 🗣️ 🪞 the way they ...
Season 5
Episode 2

The Mask You Hide With: Invisible
The mask of Invisible, is one that deceives itself with its saint-like way of not "wanting/needing recognition". Recognition, being vocal/honest "loud" has been confused with being bad. In this episode we dive deep with the ...
Season 5
Episode 1

Ohhhh, procrastination. The dear old friend to many of us. What is the truth of your reality you're trying to avoid when you procrastinate? Quick episode all on this very common, yet biggest growth capsule ever.
Season 4
Episode 7

Why Your Dating Sucks.
"Why does dating suck?" "What am I dong wrong in dating?" "How come I haven't found The One?" This is a podcast episode that is longgg overdue!!!! DATING!!! Dun, dun dun.How can we allow for dating to be more flow, seamless, exciti...
Season 4
Episode 6

Boundaries. | It Begins and Ends with You, Not Them.
Quick and real talk on boundaries, disrespect, and standing up for yourSelf!! They begin and end with you...BUT what about when they keep pushing you? What if they think of you differently and gossip about your new actions??? Lots of questions ...
Season 4
Episode 5

My Father’s Daughter. | An Open Conversation with Olivia Hollaus
An honest reflection into Olivia Hollaus' journey of grace. Olivia Hollaus is a woman of true leadership. Being an amazing spirit, wife, mom, CEO, daughter, friend, and fruitful giver/volunteer-- her personality and light is one tha...
Season 4
Episode 4

Nighttime Reflection Meditation (Under 10 Mins.)
Enjoy this night time meditation in bed or on your couch, to wind down from the day in full prescence. Short and very sweet!! A quick sound bath, and water sounds to support you along the journey of asking yourself questions that allow you to s...
Season 4
Episode 3

Acceptance. | What If They/It Never Gets Better or Change?
When you notice someone has sooooo much room for growth, yet they do not take your advice, take any steps to grow or help themselves, etc. it SUCKS. It hurts. But how do you maneuver a situation like that when it is your own family or a...
Season 4
Episode 2

Triggered. | Going Beyond A Trigger.
Typically, we can notice when we feel triggered & either react immediately or compose ourselves and step away. What about processing and having an entirely new and EMPOWERING way of being to follow afterwards. The part that trips a ...
Season 4
Episode 1